Gender, sexuality and relationship diversity workshop


24.11.18 ~ 25.11.18


Casa dei diritti MILANO (MI) 0 0

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This two-day workshop presented by two of Britain’s leading therapists and sexologists will provide an opportunity for behavioural and sexual health professionals to update their knowledge and practice on a wide range of issues around gender, sexuality and relationship diversity. This is a field which is moving very rapidly, and it’s our ex-perience that therapists often feel bewildered by the range of identi-ties, and sexual practices and relationship issues clients are present-ing for help with.
We will use a mixture of experiential learning as well as more formal didactic and discussion-based learning styles.
Day One – open to psychologists, psychotherapists, sexologists, medical doctors… and also to university students and general public –
In the morning we will focus on now cultural ways of seeing gender sexuality and relationships impact our clients
After lunch, we will explore in more depth the full spectra of gender identities.
Day Two – open to psychologists, psychotherapists, sexologists, medical doctors –
In the morning, we will explore sexuality, diverse sexual practices and lifestyles (including lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual and BDSM/Kink identities) and offer some clinical guidelines for best practice.
After lunch, we will explore some of the ways people are conducting their relationships focussing in particular on ‘the new monogamy’, consensual nonmonogamies and other relationship styles.

Dr Meg-John Barker is the author of a number of popular books on sex, gender, and relationships, including Queer: A Graphic History, How To Understand Your Gender, Enjoy Sex (How, When, and IF You Want To), Rewriting the Rules, The Psychology of Sex, and The Se-crets of Enduring Love. They have also written many books for schol-ars and therapists on these topics, drawing on their research and therapeutic practice, including the BACP resource on gender, sexual and relationship diversity (GSRD). Websites:, Twitter: @megjohnbarker.
Dominic Davies Founder and CEO of Pink Therapy. He has worked as a psychotherapist, clinical sexologist and practice consultant for over 35 years. In 2007 he was made a Fellow of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy for his “outstanding contribution to the field.” In 2015 He received the Practitioner award from the Sexu-alities Section of the British Psychological Society. In 2016 He was made a Fellow of the National Counselling Society
Dominic (with Charles Neal) co-edited three of the first British text-books on working with LGBT clients published in 1996 and 2000.
He has pioneered the development of Gender and Sexual Diversity Therapy in the UK and Europe.