Dietro il camice bianco

Dr. Edoardo Cervoni Otorinolaringoiatra

Dietro il camice bianco.


Medicine has very little numeracy and productivity is very hard to assess. The MD degree is still about signalling one's skills, hence Academics achievements are key and so is the way pupils are assessed.

The way I look at Medicine has changed over the years and perhaps it will change again.

However, it has to be said that I particularly value compassion, honesty, and dedication.

Perhaps the way doctors are regarded does change from Country to Country, but overall doctors are in a position of "power".

We need to deserve that role.

Clinical practice and clinical research are quite different.

In my opinion, the problem with clinical research is that Academic based and that publications lead to scores. Scores are used to obtain funds and Academic posts. It should not come as a surprise that people may try to publish to get "points"...

Data pubblicazione: 14 gennaio 2013

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