Dr. Bruno Romanò
Anestesista a Roma
Attenzione: l'iscritto non si collega da più di sei mesi, i dati potrebbero essere non aggiornati.
6 consulti erogati
1 contenuti pubblicati
440 visualizzazioni profilo
Sedi professionali
Informazioni professionali
Laurea e titoli conseguiti
Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 2011 presso Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore di Roma. Iscritto all'Ordine dei Medici di Roma.
Specialista in: Anestesia e rianimazione
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Attività su Medicitalia
Il Dr. Bruno Roman è specialista di medicitalia.it dal 2023.
Indice di attività:Altre attività
- Airway Closure during Surgical Pneumoperitoneum in Obese Patients
- An unusual chest X-ray showing part of a drain tube still in the thorax after its removal and some suggestive ultrasound findings
- Correlation of in-target time for mean arterial pressure and stroke volume with tissue perfusion during major urological surgery: an observational pilot study
- Gemelli decision tree Algorithm to Predict the need for home monitoring or hospitalization of confirmed and unconfirmed COVID-19 patients (GAP-Covid19): Preliminary results from a retrospective cohort study
- Goal-directed hemodynamic management in patients undergoing primary debulking gynaecological surgery: A matched-controlled precision medicine study
- Household disinfectant exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective study of the data from an Italian poison control center
- Intraoperative management and hemodynamic monitoring for major abdominal surgery : a narrative Review
- InTrathecal mORphine, traNsversus Abdominis Plane Block, and tramaDOl Infusion for Catheter-Related Bladder Discomfort in Patients Undergoing Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy (TORNADO): A Pilot Prospective Controlled Study
- Lung volumes, respiratory mechanics and dynamic strain during general anaesthesia Impact on outcome and healthcare costs from hemodynamic optimization in patients undergoing pancreatic surgery: A preliminary report.
- Lung-protective ventilation during Trendelenburg pneumoperitoneum surgery: A randomized clinical trial
- Systemic chemotherapy and pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC): A bidirectional approach for gastric cancer peritoneal metastasis
- The role of robotic aortic lymphadenectomy in gynecological cancer: surgical and oncological outcome in a single institution experience