Risultati per "management"

...); (Italy). 2007 Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: The Task... Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the... of European guidelines on hypertension management: a European Society of Hypertension... Diabete mellito e prevenzione cardiovascolare...
...Attarian H. Advances in the management of chronic insomnia. BMJ. 2016... ;354:i2123. Salisbury-Afshar E. Management of Insomnia Disorder in Adults... YK. Non-pharmacological Approaches for Management of Insomnia. Neurotherapeutics. 2021;18... Interventi di igiene del sonno...
...syndrome in adults: diagnosis and management. Available online: https://www.nice... ). Depression in adults: Recognition and management. Available online: https://www.nice... (2014). Multiple sclerosis in adults: management. Available online: https://www.nice... Mindfulness: definizione, utilizzo ed efficacia...
...Infertility. Capitolo in libro: Clinical Management of Male Infertility, G.... content/uploads/2019/01/disease-management.pdfES Pescatori: Moderno approccio diagnostico... paziente con disfunzione erettile. Disease Management & Health outcomes. 9, Special... “Da chi vado?” Come scegliere un andrologo di riferimento...
...for non-surgical and surgical management. J Bone Joint Surg Am... JS. Analysis of failed surgical management of fractures of the base... TH. Endoscopic bone grafting for management of nonunion of the tuberosity... Le fratture della base del quinto metatarso: un evento insidioso che merita un accurata valutazione...
...Bibliografia: 2013ESH/ESCGuidelines for the management of arterial hypertension - Journal of... AHA/ACC Guideline on Lifestyle Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk - Circulation... ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias - European Heart... La dieta per l'ipertensione e le regole per la prevenzione di malattie cardiovascolari...
...benefici dei trattamenti; per il management sanitario, la valutazione degli esiti... response to psychotherapy and case management.International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry... that a chronic disease self-management program can improve health status... La psicoterapia è efficace. L’attestazione ufficiale dell’American Psychological Association e...
...Tenotomy versus tenodesis in the management of pathologic lesions of the... the biceps tendinopathy: diagnosis and management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg... of the shoulder: diagnosis and management. 2nd ed, Vol 1. Philadelphia... La patologia del capo lungo del bicipite...
...terapia. How I Approach the Management of Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Adults... Ercp  Updated Guideline on the Management of Common Bile Duct Stones... Cystic Neoplasms: Implications for Clinical Management Kwok K, Chang J, Duann... Gastroenterologia 2017: cosa è successo di importante...
27 anni: ...o con trisomia 21. Il management ostetrico di tale condizione può... E, Denamur E, et al. Management of prenatally diagnosed hyperechogenic bowel... di poco differenti, essenzialmente sul management a breve termine del caso... Iperecogenicità...
34 anni: ...of Pediatrics. Practice parameter: The management of acute gastroenteritis in young... Clinical and laboratory evaluation and management of children with vomiting, diarrhea... H., Hoekstra JH., et al. Management of acute gastroenteritis in Europe... Scariche continue...
...the clinical features, aetiology and management of idiopathic cervical dystonia. Brain... Dysport and BOTOX in the management of cervical dystonia and blepharospasm... Strategie terapeutiche nella distonia cervicale: terapia orale, chirurgia, introduzione all'uso della tossina botulinica...
...infiltrativa risulta quindi utile nel management complessivo dell'osteoartrosi ed è... Intraarticular Hyaluronic Acid in the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis in Clinical... Condroprotezione e viscosupplementazione: i trattamenti che allontanano la protesi...
...dell’immersione in acqua nel management della terza fase del travaglio... standard of augmentation for the management of dystocia in first stage... Il parto in acqua: benefici e rischi...
...Vakil N. Guidelines for the management of dyspepsia. Am. J. Gastroenterol... the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and management of dyspepsia. Osteopathic Family Physician... Un farmaco naturale contro il bruciore di stomaco e le sue sequele...
37 anni: ...in Assisted Reproduction in Clinical Management of male infertility 2014 Editors... in Assisted Reproduction in Clinical Management of male infertility 2015 Editors... Referto biopsia testicolare - tese...
...  Bibliografia Global strategy for asthma management and prevention. Update 2015. Available... Molen T. Asthma control and management in 8,000 European patients... Perché è necessario curare l’asma?...
...    Bibliografia Global strategy for asthma management and prevention. ginasthma.org; Update... report from the Aerosol Drug Management Improvement Team. Respir Med. 2006... Tutto su asma grave...
...e ai loro effetti nel management dell’asma in gravidanza. Cosa... National Asthma Council Australia. Asthma Management Handbook. Melbourne: NACA, 2006. Carmichael... Tutto su asma in gravidanza...
...of psychological approaches to the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia... , Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Alzheimer's disease and... Tutto sulle demenze...
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