Enterococcus spp -allergies

Dear all,
I suffer from cervicitis due to enterococcus spp.
I am allergic and the only antibiotic I can take is Klaricid (I visited and allergiologist as well who confirms that) So I started the therapy three days now with Vidermina clx vaginal ovules.
Do you think this treatment will do, will Klaricid help if I take, or what else considering my plenty allergies?
Dr. Diego Pozza Andrologo, Endocrinologo, Chirurgo generale, Oncologo, Urologo 15.9k 468 2
Dear reader,

the therapy seems correct
try to have the specific opinion of your gynecologist o try to consult an uro-gynecologist
best regards

Dott. Diego Pozza


L'allergia è una reazione immunitaria eccessiva di fronte a una sostanza (allergene) innocua per molti. Gli allergeni più frequenti e le forme di allergie.

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