Risultati per "is"

37 anni: ...scrive il referto. The study is reported from the images provided... 2x0. 9x0.4cm in diameters is noted within the prostate. No... : Pre-void volume is 311ml. Post-void volume is 33.5ml. Scan... Lesioni focali prostata...
53 anni: ...Negative (IHC 0) No staining is observed or membrane staining that... is incomplete and is faint/barely perceptible and... 3+) Circumferential membrane staining that is complete, intense, and in >10... Tumore al seno. carcinoma lobulare infiltrante...
24 anni: ...I am smart and that is why I got my bachelor... this depression. Anyway what happened is the opposite. These problems get... American Embassy in Italy. There is a list of Italian doctors... Depression...
27 anni: ...terapia: Stromectol once a week is helpful. Fo your body weight... /face. Doxycycline 50mg/per day is a good addition. Use the... blefarite da demodex...
24 anni: ...modif.:II stadiazione patologica: T1c (is) Nx (VALORI PERCENTUALI RIFERITI A... modif.:II stadiazione patologica: T1a(is)Nx (VALORI PERCENTUALI RIFERITI A... Una diagnosi del genere mia madre potrà continuare...
22 anni: ...(Nagel or equivalent). This test is considered passed if the colour... match is normal trichromatic. Potreste dirmi se... Test di ishiara...
46 anni: ...richiesta di informazioni. the eye is “bathed” in special bowls in... which the iodine saline solution is charged with weak galvanised electricity... Ionoforesi x miodesopsie in austria...
35 anni: ...universally acceptable parameters, penile hypoplasia is defined as a condition in... which the erect penis is shorter than 13 cm in... elongation and thickening-a myth? Is there a cosmetic or medical... Pene e norma...
43 anni: ...medline. Ciprofloxacin-Induced Antibacterial Activity Is Attenuated by Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors. Masadeh... full citation Abstract BACKGROUND: Ciprofloxacin is a commonly used antibiotic for... Al dr pescatori x prostatite...
41 anni: ...et al., 1999). However, it is not clear whether GABAA and... termi¬nals by CB1 receptors is in contrast to ^,-opioid receptors... Astinenza da cannabis regolarmente prescritta...
41 anni: ...On the Lateral view, there is mild airspace disease at the... posterior base which is not well-seen on the... Polmonite ?...
42 anni: ...the treatment. In conclusion, it is apparent that epidermoid tumors do... hyperactive dysfunction of cranial nerves is significantly improved by gamma knife... Cisti epidermoide in fossa cranica posteriore...
49 anni: ...49 mm. No definite nodule is detected. The border outline of... the prostate gland is smooth surface. Normal bilateral seminal... Una riacutizzazione...
24 anni: ...una discopatia IVL-VL, VL-IS in esiti laminectomia VL sinistra... con sintea titanio IVL-VL-IS (6 viti poliassiali)+ artrodesi laterale... Rm rachide cervicale...
29 anni: ...Stage IV stomach cancer patients is only 4% and the overall... 5-year survival rate is about 28%" Mi chiedo...ma... Tumore stomaco...
25 anni: ...any other chemical substance that is going to alter the food... We were wondering wether there is any technique, from transplant practices... Preserving perishable items without a fridge?...
28 anni: ...poi..come spilli in tutto corpo e anche allo sterno... che ora nn mi viene nome cmq alla testa e... Spilli...
55 anni: ...: The hallmark of the study is the presence of large upper... abdominal multi-focal is almost replacing the left hepatic... Angioma cavernoso addome...
52 anni: ...prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening is at most very small. A... during his lifetime. However, there is currently no way to determine... Gleason score - U.S. Preventive Services Task Force...
48 anni: ...maculare diffuso. MLE e giunzioni IS/OS integre in sede subfoveale... MLE e giunzioni IS/OS parzialmente attenuate-interrotte soprattutto... Avrebbe cataratta con maculopatia...
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