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24 anni: ...functions excessively, resulting in the over production of sex... and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands... epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions... client compulsively masturbates. For the individual engaging in compulsive... Equilibrio alterato tra neurotrasmettitori...
38 anni: ...hand level, are deformed. The height intervertebral disks is... visualized poster lateral to the right protrusion intervertebral a... intervertebral a disk, from the moderate deformation of a... a little compressive. Lateral the channel is moderately narrowed with... Protusione c2-c7...
36 anni: ...started enrolling patients in the Luna Interbody System for... clinical data on the effectiveness of the Luna Interbody Spacer... After the completion of enrollment in the LIFT study, the Luna Interbody... sarà "commercially available in the EU" solo alla fine... Cage luna interbody spacer in peek della benvenue medical...
30 anni: ...of the proximal appendix at the junction with the cecum. The walls the appendix measured... ’arancia e di mela, acqua, the). Non mi è stato somministrato... Appendicite sospetta caso particolare...
30 anni: ...128 multidetector scanner. Following the administration of 40mg iv... of the heart were acquired with the patient in the supine... Trifurcation anatomy is noted. The proximal, mid and distal... mediastinal lymphadenopathy is identified. The pleural spaces are clear.... Risultati tac...
33 anni: ...Preejaculatory fluid secreted at the tip of the urethra from Cowper's... nih.gov/pubmed/12286905 ( the probability of pregnancy is... if pre-ejaculate fluid enters the vagina. ). Ma ho... e combatti. Achilles Tennyson, The Kraken, 1930). Nessun assistenzialismo... Liquido preseminale...
25 anni: ...to preserve food without the use of a refrigerator... not have access to the traditional ways of preserving... food • that keeps the nutritional characteristic of the food itself unaltered •... energy saving than the best refrigerator available on the market • not... Preserving perishable items without a fridge?...
55 anni: ...fare? FINDINGS: The hallmark of the study is the presence of... ) as well as the 2nd part the duodenum. It inferolaterally... peripheral nodular contrast enhancement. The lesion shows intense diffusion... multi-focal SOL having the above detailed imaging criteria... Angioma cavernoso addome...
22 anni: ...mela......a vvolte sostituisco il thè con il latte e... utente, intanto potrebbe sostituire il the con uno yogurt parz. scremato... ....proverò a sostituire il thè con lo yogurt......però il... !!! Sulle proprietà benefiche del the verde non aggiungerei null'altro... Da quando ho iniziato questo metodo di colazione nn faccio altro che avere mal di fianco atroce...
24 anni: ...questa mia condizione compromette "the normal fields of vision and... examination should form part of the initial and all further... function is achieved only with the use of correction: (1)... for immediate use; (3) the correction should provide optimal visual... Requisiti per assistente di volo...
36 anni: ...Non-contrast images of the urinary system were obtained.... and intraluminal density of the urinary bladder are normal... multiple calculi in the gallbladder filling the lumen, the largest 2... are atherosclerotic calcifications in the abdominal aorta and iliac... Diverticolite ,aorta addominale calcificata. cisti...
43 anni: ...bipolar disorder, usually of the rapid-cycling variety, are... due to the mood-destabilizing effects of... rarely receive mood stabilizers in the absence of antidepressants. If... cycling can occur only in the absence of antidepressants. Frequently... Ssri e ciclicità...
34 anni: ...erbe oppure preparo infusi di thè verde. Proprio ora che... particolare sul possibile effetto del thè verde nel favorire i... - cosa posso diluire nell'acqua (thè, infusi, tisane: non riesco a... suggerire un effetto protettivo del the verde sulla formazione di... Placche di randall...
31 anni: ...still >am very upset that the blurred vision, which developed... anybody else who >suffers from the same. Please contact me... be made responsible for this. The described side-effect is not... mentioned in >the consumer information of Zyprexa Aggiungo... Zyprexa e problemi alla vista...
22 anni: ...when the Pao9 was plotted against the severity of the curve... (Fig.9). The deleterious... a translatory shift of the vertebrae). Qualcuno potrebbe chiarirmi... cause significant limitations in the vital capacity and forced... Differenza fra scoliosi torocolombare e doppia curva toracica e lombare...
38 anni: ...discale con prevalenza laterale sn the occupa parzialmente lo spazio... in direzione paramediana dx the counprime marcatamente it sacco... L5 S1 bulging discale the impegna entrambi gli spazi... origina piccola ernia discale mediana the contatta it sacco durale... Ernia (e) discale ls...
28 anni: ...a PACS mrkstation. FINDINGS: The uterus measures 7.2 x... focal uterine leiomyoma observed. The endometrial stripe measuræ 3 mm... double-wall thickness. The bladder is unremarkable. The right wary measures... is observed. IMPRESSION: 1. The left ovary contains a 2... Ciste ovarica...
40 anni: ...(for example 1050ms in the septum). Homogeneous native myocardial... T2 (44ms in the septum). No late enhancement.... (12 mm maximally in the apical inferior wall as opposed... enhancement Overall, in the context of the ECG, the diagnosis will be... Diagnosi di lieve cardiomiopatia ipertrofica apicale dopo risonanza magnetica cardiaca...
35 anni: ...dalla giuzione penopubica. "In the absence of universally acceptable parameters... a condition in which the erect penis is shorter... (measured from the suprapubic skin to the apex of the glans) and... being correlated with the dimensions of the patient’s corpora... Pene e norma...
27 anni: ...4 days ago on the skin around the eyes/face. Doxycycline 50mg... is a good addition. Use the TTO 50% treatment every 3... apart with aggressive cleaning of the eyelash roots. I lavaggi con... blefarite da demodex...
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